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--- Citaat van: puk1980, 27 juni 2022 - 18:43 ---Valt allemaal reuze mee.

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Waar rook is, is vuur. Iedereen doet maar met de informatie wat hij/zij wil.

Wij van WC-eend verklaren:

--- Citaat --- However, we hope we have sufficiently demonstrated that very little data is actually collected and that you have full control over whether or not any data is sent, and that this was already the case before the story received any media attention.
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--- Citaat --- There is no need for legalese or complex explanations. Whatever you think you are going to get out of getting more user data, just drop it. You do not need it. Just make the software not phone home, end of story.
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Dat mag allemaal wel wezen, maar ik vind Audacity beregoeie ( cross platform) DAW software.
Die ik Air-gapped gebruik in mijn show of edit presets...
Laat ze maar naar huis bellen, die apps, mijn actieve Macjes hebben de com afgesloten!
No WiFi! No Ethernet!
Enne, niet alle Russen zijn Orks, hee?
Hoog tijd dat ze die frigging Putain ( sic) eens buitensmijten... Als er dan tenminste geen ander/ erger FSB monster voor in de plaats komt.


--- Citaat ---Audacity is a free and open-source digital audio editor and recording application software, available for Windows, macOS, Linux, and other Unix-like operating systems. The project was started in the fall of 1999 by Dominic Mazzoni and Roger Dannenberg at Carnegie Mellon University, and released on May 28, 2000, as version 0.8.

As of March 2, 2022, Audacity is the most popular download at FossHub, with over 111.6 million downloads since March 2015. It was previously served from Google Code and SourceForge, where it was downloaded over 200 million times.

Audacity won the SourceForge 2007 and 2009 Community Choice Award for Best Project for Multimedia. It is licensed under GPL-2.0-or-later.

In April 2021, it was announced that Muse Group (owners of MuseScore and Ultimate Guitar) would acquire the Audacity trademark and continue to develop the application, which remains free and open source.

In May 2021, after the project was acquired by Muse Group, there was a draft proposal to add opt-in telemetry using Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica to the code. Users responded negatively, with accusations of turning Audacity into spyware. This spawned several forks, most prominently among them Tenacity and Audacium. The company reversed course, falling back to error/crash reporting and optional update checking instead. As a result, the developers of the forks lost interest and sent their forks into an indefinite hiatus.

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Het blijft smeulen hoor…

Dank jullie voor de suggesties !
Met audacity en de andere suggesties is het inderdaad goed mogelijk om het "stillere" en bedompte stuk goed te versterken...
Maar het blijft natuurlijk bedompt dat stukje, en daardoor best lastig te volgen.
Het gaat trouwens over een interview, dus alleen een stem.

Dat bedompte stukje wat ik dus nu kan "versterken" kan ik waarschijnlijk ook wel weer bewerken.
Bass omlaag, en treble omhoog of zoiets.
Maar vind het best lastig allemaal, ik ga me er nog wat beter in verdiepen.

Dank tot nu toe...


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