Supportvragen Mac > Netwerken en communicatie

Wi-Fi 7 komt eraan

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WiFi 5, dus.

Wi-Fi 8 komt er ook al aan. :wink:

Meet Wi-Fi 8, which will trade speed for a more reliable experience
Wi-Fi 7 will remain until 2028, when Wi-Fi 8 is expected to take over.

Het lijkt de Snow Leopard onder de Wi-Fi versies te gaan worden. :smile:

--- Citaat ---The next generation of Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi 8, is currently being developed behind closed doors. This time, the emphasis isn’t on pure speed, but instead on improving the user experience.

Wi-Fi 8, known right now as IEEE 802.11bn Ultra High Reliability, still remains years away. Wireless technology is in a constant state of improvement: Each progression in the evolution of Wi-Fi takes several years to discuss, approve, and then deploy. Wi-Fi 7, the “current” standard, hasn’t even been formally ratified quite yet.

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--- Citaat van: puk1980,  1 juni 2024 - 18:30 ---De nieuwe iPads hebben Wifi 6E (802.11ax) met 2x2 MIMO.

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De nieuwe iMac, Mini en MacBook Pro ook nog geen Wifi 7, terwijl de iPhone 16 dit wel heeft.


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