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Photoshop straks gratis als webapp beschikbaar



--- Citaat ---Adobe plans to make Photoshop on the web free to everyone

Adobe has started testing a free-to-use version of Photoshop on the web and plans to open the service up to everyone as a way to introduce more users to the app.

The company is now testing the free version in Canada, where users are able to access Photoshop on the web through a free Adobe account. Adobe describes the service as “freemium” and eventually plans to gate off some features that will be exclusive to paying subscribers. Enough tools will be freely available to perform what Adobe considers to be Photoshop’s core functions.

“We want to make [Photoshop] more accessible and easier for more people to try it out and experience the product,” says Maria Yap, Adobe’s VP of digital imaging.

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Wil niet meteen negatief zijn maar gratis bestaat niet


--- Citaat van: Seagram, 14 juni 2022 - 18:35 ---Wil niet meteen negatief zijn maar gratis bestaat niet

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Ben je bekend met het concept "freemium"?


--- Citaat van: Seagram, 14 juni 2022 - 18:35 ---Wil niet meteen negatief zijn maar gratis bestaat niet

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Dat klopt. En daarom...

--- Citaat ---Adobe describes the service as “freemium” and eventually plans to gate off some features that will be exclusive to paying subscribers.
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