Complicit - werken bij Foxconn
18 augustus 2018 - 10:18   
geplaatst door: puk1980
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Documentaire “Complicit”.

One of the directors of the piece, Heather White, contacted AppleInsider about the documentary.

"The film doesn't say 'Chinese electronics firms use harmful chemicals that poison workers and Apple should be held completely responsible for it.'" writes White. "The film raises awareness about what is happening to workers exposed to toxic chemicals in the factories supplying Apple, Samsung, and others. Foxconn is Apple's lead supplier and Foxconn has had numerous documented violations."

"We leave it up to the audience to decide who is 'complicit' in what is happening to young assembly line workers in China," adds White. "We don't use the word complicit in the film and I've learned from our post-film Q & A session that everyone who sees it has a different takeaway: some feel the brands are complicit, and some feel that we as consumers are complicit."
"The number of people that predict the end of Moore's law doubles every two years."