Geschiedenis van de Mac GUI
25 mei 2019 - 09:54   
geplaatst door: puk1980
Interessant artikel over de geschiedenis van de macOS GUI.


With the rapidly-upcoming introduction of UIKit apps to the Mac, I've been reminiscing on Twitter quite a bit about Apple's transition to Mac OS X, and just how NEXTSTEP and Mac OS found common ground despite being two very different OSes both architecturally and from a design standpoint. There are a couple of different vectors I will follow here, if you permit me, that will converge at the same place:

One of the artifacts of the final days of NeXT was a prerelease version 4.0 of NEXTSTEP. Despite appearing before OPENSTEP (the 4.0 operating system that succeeded NEXTSTEP), this NEXTSTEP 4.0 build, which I will abbreviate to NS4 herein, has a vastly different UI and set of apps. It had new colored window chrome, background images, and a tabbed shelf at the bottom of the screen — quite the departure from the grayscale NEXTSTEP we knew.

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