geplaatst door: Robert
Tim Cook over het afsluiten van dit vreemde fiscale jaar
Omdat Apple werkt met een gebroken boekjaar was de presentatie van de kwartaalcijfers gisteren niet alleen de laatste van dit jaar, maar ook meteen de afsluiting van het fiscale jaar. Dat dit een bijzonder jaar is geweest is een understatement, de pandemie heeft overduidelijk op alles invloed gehad.

Om het hierover te hebben tijdens een conference call met investeerders was natuurlijk een staaltje koorddansen voor de CEO van Apple. Want als Tim Cook teveel nadruk had gelegd op de negatieve omstandigheden dan zou dat ook nadeling kunnen zijn voor de beurskoers, maar tegelijkertijd was dit duidelijk een moment waarbij hij toch wilde stilstaan. Alles wat hij daar zei is te lezen in de transcriptie op deze pagina, hieronder vind je het belangrijkste gedeelte.
Tim Cook over het afsluiten van dit vreemde fiscale jaar

When you pull back the lens to the entire fiscal year, it’s a testament to the team’s work and to the resilience of the business in the era of COVID-19….

When we first began to grapple with COVID-19, I said there are worse things for a company whose business is innovation than having to periodically do just about everything in an entirely new way. This year we [worked] in a way that pushed us to re-imagine every part of [our] innovation process, down to how we share these announcements with the world, and how we get new products into our customer’s hands. Working from kitchen tables and bedrooms, in distanced office settings and reworked labs and manufacturing facilities, the team rebuilt every part of the plane while it was midair. And the results speak for themselves….

Innovation isn’t just about what you make—it’s about how you approach problems. And these teams, and every team across Apple, have not faced a single question this year that they haven’t found an answer to with passion and resolve. Their actions didn’t just meet the moment, they will make us a better company moving forward….

I think if I had to describe our performance this quarter in a single word, it’s resilient. Financial performance aside, I don’t think this year will be a time that any of us look back on with great fondness or nostalgia. Those of us who wake up every day hoping for return to normal can count ourselves fortunate. Others don’t have that luxury. There is the great pain of a lost loved one, the uncertainty and fear of a lost job, a deep well of concern for people we care about who we are not able to see. A sense of opportunities missed, of plans delayed, of time lost. Even though we’re apart, it’s been obvious this year that around the company teams and colleagues have been leaning on and counting on each other more than in normal times. I think that instinct, that resilience, has been an essential part of how we have navigated this year.

Work can’t solve for all the things we’re missing right now, but a shared sense of purpose goes a long way. A belief that we can do more together than we can alone, that people of good will, driven by creativity and passion and that certain itch of a big idea, can still do things that help other people in our own small way to teach, to learn, to create, or just to relax at a time like this. Even as the things we make require us to operate at the very cutting edge of technology, in materials, products, and ideas that didn’t exist just a few years ago, this year has forced us to face plainly the things that make us human—disease, resilience, and hope.

You never wish for a year like this one, but I couldn’t be prouder of the team, the work we have done, and the small role we have played in helping our communities find hope and resilience in this time.

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