geplaatst door: Robert
Pixelmator Pro 1.6.2: naast bugfixes ook nieuwe dingen
Het relatief kleine team achter Pixelmator Pro (negentien mensen) laat keer op keer zien dat het niet voor niets de onderscheiding Mac App of the Year twee keer (in 2011 en 2018) kreeg. Want er blijven updates uitgebracht worden die deze app in hoog tempo steeds beter maakt.

Op dit moment gaat het om een update relatief kort na de grote 1.6 Magenta update eind maart. Maar naast de acht bugfixes gaat het om veel meer, er zitten in deze 1.6.2 ook maar liefst nieuwe en aangepaste dingen, waardoor deze app nog verder verbeterd wordt. Gezien het tempo lijkt het voor de hand te liggen dat iedereen die inmiddels voor Pixelmator Pro gekozen heeft blij zal zijn met deze keuze.

Hieronder de complete release notes voor deze update, meer over de nieuwe dingen in deze update is te vinden op deze pagina

  • The new Replace Image feature adds a way to replace image layers while preserving all their layer styles, color adjustments, effects, and other nondestructive features.
  • Quickly activate Replace Image using the Shift-Command-R keyboard shortcut.
  • You can now create a mask from an image using the Choose Mask command in the Format menu.
  • Format > Invert Colors will now invert the colors of image layers and masks without applying the nondestructive Invert adjustment.
  • The Command-I keyboard shortcut has been reassigned from the Invert adjustment to the new Invert command.
  • The Shift-Command-V keyboard shortcut will now insert a new layer from the Finder.
  • The Option-Command-G keyboard shortcut will now create and release clipping masks.
  • The Option-Command-comma (,) keyboard shortcut will now toggle layer visibility.
  • Option-clicking Add Mask in the Layers sidebar shortcut menu will now add a mask that reveals all the contents of the masked layer instead of hiding everything.
  • If you Option-click Add Mask with an active selection, the selected area will be hidden by the mask rather then everything outside the mask.
  • Scroll bars will now always be visible when “Show scroll bars” is set to Always in System Preferences.
  • The Motion blur effect will now use degrees (from 180º to -180º) as the unit instead of a percentage based on radians.
  • The largest icons were missing from the Pixelmator Pro app icon set. Fixed.
  • Certain layers would not appear after hiding and showing their parent group layers. Fixed.
  • Opening very large documents would occasionally cause Pixelmator Pro to stop responding. Fixed.
  • Control-clicking the layer mask in the Layers sidebar would not make the shortcut menu appear. Fixed.
  • Rotating certain low-resolution images by 90 degrees would introduce blurring. Fixed.
  • Drag and dropping images was not working correctly on Mac computers with Intel Iris graphics processors running macOS 10.15. Fixed.
  • Solid white or solid black layer masks would not be preserved when exporting to PSD. Fixed.
  • The color of text layers would shift slightly when exporting to PSD. Fixed.

#PixelmatorPro #macOS
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