geplaatst door: puk1980
Your personal research assistant

Zotero is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share research.

Scan Books into Zotero from Your iPhone or iPad

Zotero makes it easy to collect research materials with a single click as you browse the web, but what do you do when you want to add a real, physical book to your Zotero library?

If you have an iPhone or iPad running iOS 12, you can now save a book to Zotero just by scanning its barcode:

This feature takes advantage of the new Shortcuts functionality in iOS 12, which can chain together series of actions to perform tasks.

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"The number of people that predict the end of Moore's law doubles every two years."
antw: Archiveer je boeken, videos, etc met Zotero
5 mei 2019 - 21:45    reactie #1
geplaatst door: Max Gaav
Als je van schrijven en projectmanagement etc. bent, is Scrivener ook erg de moeite waard om te bekijken. Da's denk ik wel mijn meestgebruikte software. Ook Scapple, hun onalledaagse mindmap app, is fijn om mee te werken.
My Mac is my second brain.