Bill Gates's Desert Island Playlist
31 januari 2016 - 20:39   
geplaatst door: Pieterr
Bill Gates's Desert Island Playlist

Met een alinea over Steve Jobs, het blijft tenslotte een Apple forum hier. :smile:

"One experiment is worth a thousand expert opinions."
Bill Gates's Desert Island Playlist
1 februari 2016 - 14:12    reactie #1
geplaatst door: anraadts
Mooie en erg eerlijk overkomende quote:

Steve really is a singular person in the history of personal computing in terms of what he built at Apple. For some periods, we were completely allies working together - I wrote software for the original Apple II. Sometimes he would be very tough on you, sometimes he'd be very encouraging. He got really great work out of people.
"In the early years, the intensity had always been about the project, and so then [when] Steve got sick, it was far more mellow in terms of talking about our lives and our kids. Steve was an incredible genius, and I was more of an engineer than he was. But anyway, it was fun. It was more of a friendship that was reflective, although tragically then he couldn't overcome the cancer and died.