geplaatst door: Robert
Pixelmator Pro 2.4.1: Color Adjustments, Effects Layers en nog veel meer
In de afgelopen jaren heeft het relatief kleine Pixelmator Pro-team uit Litouwen hun app steeds voorzien van erg mooie nieuwe functies. Daarbij wordt natuurlijk altijd goed naar Photoshop gekeken, er zijn nu  Color Adjustments en Effects Layers Pixelmator Pro 2.4.1 Odesa.

Met een x.x.1 versienummer zou je niet erg veel nieuws verwachten, maar er is nog veel meer. Bijvoorbeeld ondersteuning voor M1 Ultra chip, het maken van maskers door ermee naar een andere laag te slepen terwijl je de Command-toets ingedrukt houdt en speciale toetscombinaties voor het invoegen van tekst-lagen, die ook meteen in een cirkel aangemaakt kunnen worden, en nog veel meer. Onder de video vind je de complete release notes.

Pixelmator Pro 2.4 Odesa brings a completely redesigned Layers sidebar, color adjustments and effects layers, over 200 beautiful new vector shapes, support for M1 Ultra, and more.

Redesigned Layers Sidebar
  • The Layers sidebar has been redesigned to make it much easier to work with layers.
  • Informative layer subtitles now show useful info about layers, depending on their type: sizes for image layers, text formatting for text layers, path info for shape layers, and more.
  • The design of the blending controls has been updated and they'll now appear at the top of the Layers sidebar by default.
  • Layers sidebar viewing options can now be customized, so you can change the size of thumbnails, the visibility of layer subtitles, and the position of the blending controls.
  • You can now quickly add an empty layer using the new Add Empty Layer button.
  • Layer masks will now appear as separate layers in the Layers sidebar.
  • Layer masks can now be unlinked from their parent layer – double-click the line connecting a layer mask to its layer to link or unlink it.

Color Adjustments and Effects Layers
  • Color adjustments and effects layers let you apply color adjustments or effects to all the layers below them in a composition.
  • These new layer types work just like other layers — they can be masked, hidden, rearranged, and more.
  • You can now easily apply selective edits by using colors adjustments and effects layers with masks.
  • Use the Shift-Command-A keyboard shortcut to add a colors adjustments layer and Shift-Command-F to add an effects layer.

Over 200 New Shapes
  • Over 200 new artist-designed shapes have been added to Pixelmator Pro.
  • Several new shape collections have been added and others have been rearranged, so there are now 10 collections: Basic, Activities, Food, Objects, Arches, Science, Animals, Plants, Organic, and Symbols.
  • All shapes are pixel-perfect – this means their vector points perfectly align with pixel boundaries, ensuring any icons you create won't have any unwanted blurring.

M1 Ultra
  • Thanks to support for the M1 Ultra chip, Pixelmator Pro flies when performing machine learning-based tasks on the latest Mac Studio devices.
  • Tasks like automatic background removal, super-resolution, and photo enhancement are up to 1.7 times faster on M1 Ultra compared to M1 Max.

Scrubby Zoom
  • The Scrubby Zoom mode makes it easier to zoom images when using a graphics tablet or mouse.
  • When using the Zoom tool, you can simply drag your image horizontally – like scrubbing video controls – to zoom in and out.
  • When using other tools, first press the Space key, then the Option key to temporarily activate the Zoom tool.
  • If you'd like to, you can change the scrubby zoom scroll direction from horizontal to vertical using the following Terminal command: defaults write com.pixelmatorteam.pixelmator.x enableVerticalScrubbyZoom -bool true

Other Improvements
  • You can now create masks by Command-dragging layers onto other layers.
  • You can also copy and paste masks between different Pixelmator Pro documents.
  • Use the new Shift-Command-T keyboard shortcut to insert text layers and Option-Shift-Command-T to insert circular text layers.
  • Preserve Transparency, Replace Image, and Choose Mask options are now available in the Layers sidebar shortcut menu.

Pixelmator Pro is te vinden in de Mac App Store en kost daar op dit moment € 39,99. Wil je liever minder betalen dan kan je ook even wachten, deze app is tot nu toe altijd een paar keer per jaar in de aanbieding.

#PixelmatorPro #Update
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