Wat is de Secure Enclave?
19 februari 2016 - 21:12   
geplaatst door: Pieterr


The big tech news this week is that the FBI is trying to force Apple to unlock a suspect's iPhone. One of the interesting points around this story is that the iPhone in question is an older one, an iPhone 5c. Newer phones have what Apple calls the Secure Enclave, which some say protects against requests of this nature; even if Apple wanted to break into your phone, they couldn't. Which then brings up an interesting question I've seen a lot of people asking: what exactly is the Secure Enclave, and what role does it play here?


"One experiment is worth a thousand expert opinions."
Wat is de Secure Enclave?
19 februari 2016 - 23:03    reactie #1
geplaatst door: jtk
Wat Apple zelf zegt over Secure Enclave en Touch ID: http://support.apple.com/nl-nl/HT204587.

Breder over iOS Security: http://www.apple.com/business/docs/iOS_Security_Guide.pdf. Kost je je weekend om te lezen maar geeft wel veel inzicht.

Secure Enclave speelt uiteraard een belangrijke rol bij Apple Pay. Meer achtergrond:

Wat is de Secure Enclave?
5 augustus 2016 - 16:26    reactie #2
geplaatst door: Pieterr
"One experiment is worth a thousand expert opinions."